The best of the best for radiant floor heated concrete floors, and will save you lots of money!
High Density closed cell EPS has massive benefits compared to XPS in every category and produces a much greater R-Value long term as well as longevity in every concrete or below grade scenario.
We offer brand new residential and commercial A-Grade 4' x 8' x 2" in 40 PSI extreme high density for under concrete, under grade, roofing projects or any weight bearing project in which insulation is needed.
Custom sizes from 1/2" up to 6" as well as 60 PSI are available upon request, depending on the quantities ordered.
Check out why Closed Cell EPS is superior to XPS (blue, pink and green board) in every category, from long term R-Value, water retention, longevity and much more.
Please visit the links below and see the results of the 15 year studios showing almost double long term R-Value opposed to XPS.
Below Grade Testing Confirms R-Value Retention
15-Year Study Shows EPS Outperforms XPS in R-Value Retention
TECHNICAL BULLETIN XPS Insulation Extracted After Field Exposure Confirms High Water Absorption
& Diminished R-Value
TECHNICAL BULLETIN Freeze-Thaw Tests Show No Loss of R-Value or Strength
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